Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Noah Johns Stretches it out.

Williams Peak has become our venue for trying out on snow what we have been working on at the pool. For people who are new to air, this is the perfect venue for learning 360's. We build a 3-4 kicker on the road, and make it about 20 feet wide so that people can keep landing in fresh powder.
For more experienced skiers a big ramp up in the meadow allows plenty of room to stretch it out and work on new material.
This year deep snow and bluebird conditions added up to a perfect day.

Gracyn Overstreet after reentry.

Grady Lenkin looking for the landing

Jared Carlson getting the spin on

Thorn Warner, demonstrating how to lead with you head.

Sooooooooooo Extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmeeeeee!

Peyton Heitzman pulling the trigger

A Noah/Hayden double back flip to close out the day.

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